Sunday, 23 July 2023

Sleeping (or not) in Hotels

TL;DR: Proud Saboteur of Hotel Appliances here. I want some advice searching through photos.

Trigger for this post was a critical tweet from Connor McDonnald about the challenge of sleeping in hotel rooms. 

Luxury and other hotels have tendency to put lots of gadgets, electronics and appliances in the room with (bleeping) lights and (whirring) motors and (clicking) relays, all of which can keep you awake.

In the late 90s and in the 00s I've spent a lot of time on/near airports with regular jetlag on top of all the inconveniences. Never a bad sleeper, I seem to be ok with outside noises or lights. But what Really Gets me is the little Internal noises of aircos and minibar. 

If I need to I will pull the plug from the wall, and I tend to proudly tweet it out like:

Number of Days Since Last Sabotage of Noisy Fridge: 0

Accompanied by a picture of the wall-plug in question, laying idle. I have a good number of those pictures by now and like certain other photo-subjects, I would like to make a collage of them, just for fun. 

Another subject would be: hotel-TV's used as computer-monitor. 

Or hotel-desks of dubieus usage (like super-uncomfortable chairs... ). Lots of trivial but kinda-funny topics you encounter and photograph while travelling.

Here arises the problem: my photos are stored in subdirs per month, and to find all photos of a certain topic, I have to use my own "Eyeball-Mark-I" to sift through those galleries, which is time consuming. And... I tend to abandon those ideas...

Hence my Question:

Does there exist software that can inspect and label my photos with keywords, or that I can request to search my galleries for certain topics ? 

In the example of unplugged fridges: Find me all photos with a loose powerplug... (or with a fridge).

Note that I would prefer not to upload my pic to some cloud-tool, but keep them on my own harddisk. 

Suggestions Anyone ? 

And if not exist yet: who would be interested in building such a tool ? 


This stuff goes below the footer and here [ for the benefit of the search-engines is at color ffffff] is some more info .